Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Canary in a coalmine
Canary in a coalmine
Canary in a coalmine

It's sick but that's all I kept hearing in my head after it had been announced that the 12 miners were all dead. Dead, this after it was reported that one was dead and all the rest were alive, in fact it was the exact opposite. The small town simple country folk of that town in W. Va. had kept their vigils, praying to God, praying for a miracle. I heard one woman saying that, "we've got a lot of Christians here" - that statement would be damning as it would soon come to pass that all was lost and all the miners were dead. Miscommunication was to blame, but they celebrated on hearing the good news, tolling bells and all was favorable with God and man. Then came the news and all was not so well, the miracle was "taken away" as one person put it, emotions swaying - is this a miscommunication also between God and man? Do we think we know him but we really don't or do we think we interpret for him but really can't, indeed a miscommunication on all levels. Still doesn't change the searing and heart wrenching reality that 12 poor souls are dead, like the canary in a coal mine, they didn't stand a chance.