Sunday, June 12, 2005

1-800-Blame A Nigga

"The night Holloway disappeared, she spent part of the evening partying at a restaurant and then in the back seat of a car kissing a 17-year-old Dutch student, according to lawyers quoting from testimony from two Surinamese brothers - friends of the Dutch boy - arrested in the case along with him."

Ok I'm still stewing on this shit, this "honor" student "good girl" seemed to be having quite a time out on the town with the Dutch/Surinamese/Indian boys, my question that no one is answering is "where the f**k were her friends? Did she not tell any of them that she had a crush on or was going out on a lil tryst with any of these guys. Humm seems to me like its what Paul Mooney called the 1-800-Blame A Nigga syndrome. When you fuck up shit and things go awfully wrong - just blame a nigga, blame the dumb black security guards at the hotel, cause we all know how much they just wanted to hump and dump a drunk stupid young white girl out on vacation from good ole Alabamy! Yes blame them, the President of the island is more interested in friggin' damage control that anything else, he's losing his mind that the good white folks that visit this beautiful island will now think that the natives are no longer docile and smiling but under the smiles might be lascivious, lurking deviant and marauding desires. And with the drying up of those folk so too those strong dollars! So here we go on this new merry go 'round of everyone pointing the fingers and the next and the President calling on ALL civil servants on the island of some 97,000 to stop work and run out looking for the white girl - WHITE GIRL MISSING - STOP THE PRESSES!!! And another person saying that this is like 9/11 - HELLO NEWS FLASH, I don't think too many people even know about this, and why are we being inundated with all this news, we can't help, we're in the U.S. not Aruba!!! Again why is it that at the first instance of any white women missing we all have to stop, drop and get out there and find her!!! Poor Natalee's mom think she is still alive - I could only imagine the horror that she must be feeling right now, but alive; even I would have to come to the awful realization that this was merely a dream. *sigh* so here we go again another week and another round of Find Natalee, and what happened and who kissed who in what back seat, and who's praying where and poor Aruba having the scorching light of bad publicity seared into its name, and people arrested who have nothing to do with a case other that seeing a drunk white woman return from a tryst. My solution, when you see white women out on the town ripping and tearing - guys of melanin - please just run the other direction as fast as you can, unless you want to get that call and your file pulled from 1-800-Blame-A Nigga.


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