Tuesday, July 31, 2007


So I hit Oxford Circus and Boom! got right to it, no playing around, no reservations - we know what I'm here for - the product. Got the small suitcase in tow and hit the TopShop - which in my opinion is one of the most amazing stores! This is the flagship store and boy is it a flagship. Got right to it and a few hundred pounds later - I was a happy camper! Went over to Bik Bok - which is some sort of Norweigan store and reminds me a bit of Oilily all grown up. I was reminded by my cousin not to spend it all since we're going out to Brighton on Friday but forgive me for saying - Nothing could possibly beat the TopShop owwww!!!!
Next stop was the long dropped from my list store - French Connection. Ever since they went with that FCUK campaign I just sortof fell out of their fan club but they won me back this once with the AMAZING sale!!! 10,15 & 20 pounds! Whoa, cleaned up there too. Off to Selfridges today, I'm rubbing my hands together as we speak.


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